## Berlin Hack & Tell \#81 - ReBooting BHNT
We start 19:23 *sharpIsh*
## Structure
1. Intro (this)
1. Rules
1. News
1. Slots 0..3
1. Flea market (everything goes)
1. Break
1. Slots 4..7
1. Vote at the end and Wanderpokal
1. (TBA) Black light table tennis
## Rules
1. Be excellent to each other
2. Do not smoke
3. You get 5 minutes to present in English
4. You or your team should have built it yourself
5. People get 5 minutes Q&A afterwards
6. NO PURE SLIDEDECKS, no pitches, only demos + code
7. Show us code!!! (reasonable exemptions may be possible)
8. Entertain us!
## ♔
![Hack and Tell Trophey](/assets/images/trophy.jpg)
## News
GPN 20 - 19.5-22.5
## News from the audience
Open Source, the next version of XY, politics...
This slide is intentionally left blankIsh
## Flea market
1. Line up at the stage
2. Stick to 1-2 sentences
## Help Lucas!